Friday, January 23, 2015

Some answers and some questions

Last Friday Benjamin had an appointment at CHLA (Children's Hospital LA) with a Pediatric Neurologist. Our pediatrician had asked us to go. Benjamin has had what I call a "Tick" since he was little. She wanted us to make sure it wasn't anything more serious. Neither Nate or I were concerned, but went ahead with the appointment. 
Nate took him in while I took everyone else to a playground at Griffith Park. They loved the park. We also tried to go to the observatory, but it wasn't open yet.

I picked up Nate and Benjamin and they both seemed happy with the appointment. The Doctor said the Benjamin has what are called "Stereotyped Movements". They are voluntary, and he will likely learn to control them. There are no further tests and no need for further follow up. Nate felt like she knew exactly what was going on (he showed her a couple of videos) and could explain everything very clearly. Answers and a win for the doctor!

We enjoyed spending the rest of the day in LA. We went and explored the Griffith Observatory. The kids really enjoyed learning about space and the planets.

We also spent some time at REI (Nate's favorite!), Cafe Rio and Costco. 

Onto the questions....
Our little Rebekah continues to keep us on our toes-nothing serious though. I took her in 2 weeks ago because she had been so fussy. 

I was sure she had an ear infection. Nope. But the doctor felt she wasn't gaining weight fast enough. She has me taking an herbal supplement to and increase my milk and she nurses at least every 2 hours-around the clock! 

I took her back in the week and she was satisfied with her weight gain, she is now 14.7 lbs but the fussiness hasn't subsided at all. She's still eating just as frequently and screaming if she doesn't...I'm now thinking it's a gas problem. That or she's just a grouchy child. Hopefully at some point I can get more than an hour and a half of continuous sleep.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Hurdles

I know I need to be more healthy.  I know I need to loose weight.  I know it won't be easy and I'm a wimp.
Today I went on my second walk for the week,  only a mile and a half (better than nothing). I'm wanting to do at least 3 good walks a week. I feel like the hurdles in front of me are almost insurmountable. Here's my pity party list:
  • Time-i constantly feel like I have zero time.  Monday,  fhe; Tuesday, stake meetings; Wednesday,  stale meetings; Thursday, mutual /scouts. PTO. Pick up,  drop off. The list just keeps going.
  • My health-now this should be a reason to do this rather than a hurdle, but sometimes it just feels to big! Between migraines, thyroid and my back (apparently  I have a deformed and slipped LA vertebrae causing a lot of m my pain) it just seems to be too much.
  • Nate -sorry my sweet, but your love of running and all things  healthy have really tainted  me. Seriously, you run marathons. Who does that! Well you do and are amazing and it kind of makes me feel like i'm not. I love that you have a means to de-stress, but seriously, it kind of drives me crazy. Love you!
  • Fear of failure-this isn't my first go at this.  My last effort resulted in a bout of plantar fasciitis. I've never been successful  at loosing  any amount of weight, ever!

So here's to a new year with a vision (I'm liking the idea of a vision rather than goal) of better, health,  more energy and looser pants!